Alice Hines

Christopher Wylie had an outfit. His whistle was directed not at a government, but its nebulous digital equivalent; perhaps it...

A Copy of a Copy
Ms. Fen, a wholesaler, has glossy black hair and nails. She is twenty-eight years old. When we meet, she pulls...

If you search ‘Armani jacket,’ you get one million versions of the same thing, with slight adjustments: golden buttons or...

Life in Colour: Green
Elizabeth Sweetheart Rosenthal on Life in a Monochrome Spotlight
A Conversation with Elizabeth Sweetheart Rosenthal 'My mother died a couple years ago at one hundred and four, and she...

A Billionaire In Clothes
A Conversation with Ben Moukacha 'Every Congolese child is a sapeur. You shouldn’t ask when I became one. The point...

Life In Colour: Red, Blue, Green and Yellow
Yui and Takaharu Tezuka On Life in Colour
A Conversation with Yui and Takaharu Tezuka Yui and Takaharu’s designs feature almost no colour. One project, the Roof House,...

Silver Belly Hats And No Holey Jeans
A hat tells the story of what you do. If you’re a bull rider, different hat. Barrel racer, different hat....

My Brand Loves Your Brand
In 2017, the collaboration has become as common as the collection. It generates unfailing press, both critical and laudatory. In...

Pants For the Cost of A Postage Stamp
There’s like, a hundred different grades of industrial wipers. The best kind of wipers were made from men’s underwear, called...

Before there was Clinton swag, there was Obama swag. Before there was Obama swag, there was Kerry swag. Whom are...