
Growing up, I had no consciousness of gender but at a certain point in school we were separated by it,...

Leaving Home, Part Three
A Conversation with Mohammad Saeed 'Clothes are very important because people always look at what you wear. They don’t think...

Leaving Home, Part Two
A Conversation with Abdul-Wahed Daaboul 'All my clothes were taken: my jacket, a T-shirt that my best friend gave me...

Leaving Home, Part One
A Conversation with Bushra Al-Fusail 'I only have a few things from home now. One is a cotton scarf, it’s...

Hello, Welcome. I’m John.
Each Maasai has about six outfits. Men wear robes – we call them shuka – in different colours and patterns....

Get your rear in gear, and do something
A Conversation with Curtis Sliwa of Guardian Angels
I came out of the era of the ‘60s and ‘70s. You had the Black Panthers, you had the Young...

A Conversation With Rick Owens
Fashion is popular because it’s a mystery. It’s the ebb and flow of the subtle things we propose as designers,...

A Conversation With J Alexander
I felt like an outsider because I wanted to be a part of that group but I couldn’t afford it....

'An actress who lives in California brought in a dress that felt like hard paper, a material you couldn’t really...

Ten girls for the price of one
Pat Cleveland talks about the Eighties
In a way, we’re just bags, full of spirit, and then somebody puts a label on and you get out...

The Contemplative Life
On Slowing Down Production By Elongating Wear
When you make your commitment as a monk, after five or six years of probation, you are officially clothed in...

Why am I here?
Antonin Tron talks about Atlein, sustainability, doubt and bullshit
People expect clarity of vision from a designer; a lot of people come to fashion for reassurance. Sometimes people just...